
Ανακοινωθέων του Πατριαρχείου Βουλγαρίας για το συνέδριο "Μελέτες του Αγίου Ιωάννου"


Overview of the international conference "world-reading John"
9-11 June 2017, c. Sofia
June 14, 2017 15:06 , Sofia bishopric
From 9 to 11 June this year capital held "St.-John readings." This international Orthodox Conference take place at the initiative of the board of the ancient church "St. George "- Rotunda and with the blessing of His Holiness Neophyte, Metropolitan of Sofia and Bulgarian Patriarch. It was attended by clerics, scholars and art historians from Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece and Russia. Without thematic restrictions, the conference was marked by St. Ivan Rilski, whose relics in June 1469 have stayed a week in the Rotunda "St. George ".
Just before the conference clerics guests from Georgia and Greece received the personal blessing of His Holiness the Bulgarian Patriarch Neophyte in the presence of Bishop Nikolay of Plovdiv. Abbot Mika Bregvadze and Protopresbyter Angelos Angelakopulos and Matthew Vulkanesku expressed to the Bulgarian Patriarch and Metropolitan Nicholas before our gratitude to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church for standing up on her side of the holy Orthodox faith. They expressed their satisfaction with the opportunity to participate in the world-John's readings and joy of the Patriarchal blessing received before them. Guests from Greece delivered fraternal greetings to Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus and gift for Bulgarian parvopredstoyatel.
Molebenat at the opening of the readings was celebrated in the Rotunda of Stavro. Sc. Angel Angelov - coadjutor of Sofia St. Diocese, Rev.. John Kukov - Primate of the church "St. George "and archpriest. Georgi Spasov - Primate of the church "St. Petka Samardzhiyska '. Prayer participations Archimandrite. Philip (Vasiltsev) - Primate of the Russian cathedral clergy of the Moscow Patriarchate in Sofia, Archpriest Angelos Angelakopulos and Protoprezviter Matey Vulkanesku - representatives of Piraeus St. Metropolis (Archdiocese Helladic) Stavro. Sc. Paul Garbov - cleric in the Church "St. Yoan Bogoslov "(gr. Karnobat), Abbot Michael (Bregvadze) - Representative of the Georgian Patriarchate and abbot of the monastery" St. king and psalmist David, "Jerome. Pimen - Acting German abbot of the monastery "St. Ivan Rilski "- Convent of the Zograf Monastery of St.. Athos and laity.
Meetings on the first day of the session held in "Rila" hotel "Sofia Balkan". Assoc. Prof. Pavel Pavlov lectured "Rila and Sofia." Prot. John Kukov talk about honor St. King Stefan Milutin in Bulgaria. Prof. Kostryukov Andrey (Russia) examined the role of the bishop (exarch) Stefan in Russian-Bulgarian relations in the mid-40s of the 20th century. Stavro. Sc. Paul Garbov trace the connection between St. Yoan Rilski and his patron St. Yoan Bogoslov in attitude and to St. Yoan Kronshtadski, which highlighted the important spiritual facts of Holy Tradition of the Orthodox Church. Afternoon Protopresbyter Angelos Angelakopulos Greece lectured on "How Orthodoxy prevailed Ferrari Florence false Fest". Abbot Michael (Bregvadze) presented the revival of monasticism in modern Georgia. Protoprezviter Matey Vulkanesku (Greece) made a critical analysis of Orthodox ecumenical document "Declaration of Toronto" to respect and to its reference document in six of the council in Crete (June 2016) - "Relations of the Orthodox Church with the rest of the Christian world." Georgi Todorov presented his new book "Crete. The secular spirit against the world catholicity. "
The evening at the Russian Cultural Center was the premiere of the documentary "The Way of the Warrior" - an exciting story for the race on Father George from Jeglartsi (Director Hristo Dimitrov). The full hall (with many standing) Shared final moments of the earthly life of this zealous confessor of Orthodoxy. The question "What do young?" film o. George bequeathed: "To keep the faith!"
The second day of the conference was held in the auditorium of the Theological Faculty of Sofia University. First report was presented by Prof.. Chavdar Popov for "Giotto and Panselinos." Assoc Kostadinka Paskaleva consider hagiographic iconography of St. Thekla. Prof. Alexander Omarchevski presented his book on St. Emperor Constantine the Great. Galia Todorova follow the work of the abbot Valentina (Drumeva) consisting longer than 60 books.
The afternoon session began with the report of prof. Kostryukov for the Russian Orthodox Church and the Soviet power. Dr. Tatiana Bondar (Russia) follow the spiritual mission of the Russian church emigration in Bulgaria after 1917 Georgi Todorov lectured on elinofiletizma. A abbot Michael (Bregvadze) presented modern Orthodox life in Georgia.
Both days during meetings emerged interesting questions and discussions.
Conference of was closed after St. Mass on June 11 in the Rotunda "St. George "in concelebration of five Orthodox clergy from the people (and in six languages ​​- Slavonic, Bulgarian, Russian, Greek, Georgian, Romanian). Guests from abroad expressed their sincere words of praise and gratitude for the dignity of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church as a pillar of Orthodoxy today. All participants and guests shared their joy on the successful holding of the conference, the spirit of brotherly love and unity in Christ who dominated the three days of Saint-John's readings.
Text : Georgi Todorov
Photos : ISKCON, Alexander Todorov
page up : Desislava Panayotova

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